Indonesian Batik Motif Wayang Arjuna

Indonesian Batik Motif Wayang Arjuna

Wayang is one of the oldest characterization stories and stories that have ever existed in the archipelago or Indonesia. This is also a cultural acculturation that has entered since the introduction of the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism in the archipelago. One of the hundreds of famous puppet characters is the figure of Arjuna. Arjuna himself is a member of the Pandavas, along with Bima, Yudhistira, Nakula, and Sadewa in the Mahabharata story. The five of them are told to be good characters or protagonists. Arjuna in particular is described as having several characters, one of which stands out is having a charming character and good character. Literally, Arjuna means shining bright, white and clean, which is inferred to be an honest person in face and mind.

Arjuna himself is said to have had many names or nicknames according to his character. She is often called Margana, which means she likes to help. He is also often called Pemadi which means handsome and charming, also called Parta or war hero because of his ability to fight, but also sometimes he is called Janaka, not because he has a funny character, but janaka here means having many wives. When he was young, Arjuna lived with his brothers, namely the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

Since childhood, his ability has been seen. This talent and talent has made him since he was a child he was awarded the title Maharathi or a prominent knight. As a child, Arjuna studied from Guru Drona along with other children. Guru Drona occasionally bathes in the Ganga River and a crocodile then bites him. Actually he could easily fight back and save himself, but his intention was to test the courage of his students. He then shouted for help, and the only student who came to help was Arjuna, with his arrow he killed the crocodile that had bitten his teacher.

Arjuna also has the characteristic of carrying a bow and arrows. The bow is called Gandiwa which is a gift from Lord Baruna. The arrows he owns also consist of Ardadali Arrow, Cundamanik Arrow, Sangkali Arrow, and Candranila Arrow. He also has a trumpet trumpet which is called Dewadatta which means divine gift. There are several other heirlooms that he also has such as a keris, and a Kyai Pamuk Whip. His awesomeness is also inseparable from the knowledge of his inner power or also called ajian, such as Panglimunan, Tunggengmaya, Sepiangin, Mayabumi, Pengasih, and Asmaragama. Arjuna also has great attributes, namely the Limarsawo cloth, the Limarkatanggi belt, the Minangkara bracelet, the Candrakanta necklace, and the Mustika Ampal ring.