Batik Indonesia Surakarta Motif Udan Liris

Batik Indonesia Motif Udan Liris

Batik Motif: Udan Liris.
Origin: Found by Pakubuwono III who was imprisoned and soaking in the river, which suddenly the wind and rain blew. This is the beginning of this motif was made.

The Meaning of Udan Lyrical Motive:
Udan Liris in Javanese means Light Rain.
This means that rain is expected to cool the wearer.
Another meaning is that humans are expected to be ready to face life’s trials

This batik is also passed down to children or grandchildren. This batik motif is a combination of several batik motifs that are micro-packed, machete motifs and sloped motifs drawn diagonally.

The Functions of Udan Lyiris Batik:
This motif can only be used by the royal family.