tri rismaharini dengan batik indonesia motif parang barong

Tri Rismaharini wearing a Parang Barong Indonesian Batik

Tri Rismaharini or familiarly called Risma is the Mayor of Surabaya for two periods 2010-2015 and 2015-2020. He is a bureaucrat who started his career from the bottom. He recorded his career as Head of the Spatial Planning and Use Section of the Surabaya City Development Planning Board in 1997, until he became the Head of the Surabaya City Sanitation and Landscaping Service in 2005, the Head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency in 2008, and finally became the Mayor of Surabaya in 2010.

The mayor, who is famous for his temperament, is considered to be very instrumental in managing the city of Surabaya, which currently looks relatively neat and clean since Risma took office. This woman who was born 58 years ago is also known for being very disciplined and with integrity in managing the city of Surabaya.

Like the Taman Bungkul Incident in 2014, where PT. Unilever Indonesia held free Walls ice cream parcels and was held at Taman Bungkul. The incident became heated when Risma came to inspect the event and the organizers and participants stepped on the grass and destroyed Bungkul Park, and all the people in the place were scolded.

It also happened when he inspected the Surabaya City Dukcapil when many Surabaya residents had not yet received an E-KTP that the residents felt was difficult and took a long time. But besides that, many awards were received by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle for Education and Culture, such as Surabaya being crowned the Future Government Award in 2012 by Citynet for its success in managing the city environment until the third best Mayor in the world by the World City Mayors Foundation in 2015. And in the same year, Risma could change the localization of Gang Dolly into a place that was clean from the face of prostitution for almost three decades.

Tri Rismaharini wearing a Parang Barong Indonesian Batik

It is known that Risma is also fond of wearing batik, seen from the picture of the moment when voting in the 2019 Presidential election. It was seen that she was wearing a Parang Barong patterned batik dress accompanied by her husband, Fajar Mujianto. Parang Barong is known as the original motif of the Yogyakarta Palace. In its structure, Parang Barong is the mother of all Parang motifs. Parang comes from the word war because of its long and diagonal shape like a weapon, and Barong is a lion who is believed to be the king of all animals.

Also read: 7 Batik Motives for Wedding

In ancient times the word in the Yogyakarta Palace, only kings were allowed to wear this machete barong motif, but after the development of the era, and many reproduced motifs were finally used by many people. Parang Barong itself has a philosophy of self-control in a continuous effort, wisdom in thinking and prudence in acting.